Harp Resources & Web Links

Links to Davy C'S Favorite Harp & DIY Woodworking Websites:

Davy C's Harp Resources (Useful harp info including Harp Tuning, Kovac String Charts, Tying String Knots, etc.)

Maestro John G. Kovac our late Founder & Mentor (November 1945 - July 2022)

(Please, Subscribe on YouTube for all of John's historic videos.)

American Paulownia Association We use Paulownia wood lumber, a truly Green, sustainable & easily renewable resource for our harps. It is truly a miracle wood as well as being a superb musical instrument tone wood.

This abundant, non-invasive species is great for the Environment & great for us, too! (Why don't you consider switching over from Spruce, which musical quality & availability is becoming harder & harder to find with its cost ever skyrocketing.)


See Our Customers' Testimonies:

Customer Reviews  


  • Any link posted below is not an implication of support or endorsement for nor any affiliation with or by John Kovac Harps by Davy C
  • All links are provided for educational purposes only
  • All links are posted from online Public Domain websites
  • And, Davy C does not necessarily endorse all information found in these links.

Woodworking Websites:

Stumpy Nubs On YouTube

Stumpy Nubs Woodworking Journal (Free, Online)

WoodWorkWeb By Collin Knecht, on YouTube

Woodworking for Mere Mortals By Steve Ramsey, on YouTube

Woodcraft On YouTube

WOOD Magazine On YouTube


Harp Players & Music:

Cymber Lily Quinn American Harp Musician

Denise Grupp-Verbon American Harp Musician

Dina Celeste Contemporary Paraguayan Harpist from Paraguay, South America

Nicolas Carter Latin American Traditional Harpist living in and teaching & touring throughout the USA


Harp Societies:

The International Society of Folk Harpers & Craftsmen (Including their Folk Harp Journal)

The American Harp Society

The Clarsach Society


Harp Websites:

The Harp Spectrum (An all-inclusive, interesting & up to date web-resource for the harp)

The Harp Wiki (An interesting harp web resource, but includes menu access to nonharp sites.)


Harp Festivals:

Harp Gathering Harp Festival

Somerset Folk Harp Festival 


Harp Teaching:

Bedside Harp Personal Intensive Harp Instruction Program

Cymber Lily Quinn On-Line Harp Instruction

** (Cymber is one of my harp teachers I highly recommend!)

Denise Grupp-Verbon On-Line Harp Instruction. Also see on YouTube: (Finger Puzzles & Shapes)

Harp Basics with Ray Pool Self-Instruction on YouTube

Learning the Harp with Cristy-Lyn Self-Instruction on YouTube

** (Cristy-Lyn's harp teaching network I also use and highly recommend!)

Pamela Brunner DIY Harp Instruction Materials and Harp Musician

Sylvia Woods Famous Harp Self-Instruction Course Materials & Foundational Folk Harp Musician


Local Kentucky Bluegrass Teachers:

Lorinda Jones American Folk Harpist & Musician

Krista Padgett American Harpist

Elaine Humphreys Cook American Orchestral Harpist & Teacher


Therapy & Clinical Harp Schools & Hospice Therapy:

    Barbara Karnes, RN Author of the famous & foundational End of Life series of books & instruction

    Bedside Harp On-Line Certification & Certificate Bedside Harp Therapy Programs

    Harp for Healing Therapeutic Music Training

    International Harp Therapy Program A program which is accredited & offers a comprehensive training program for at home study, and internship. 

    Music for Healing & Transition Program Therapeutic Music Training

    SoundWerk Certification Courses On-line clinical harp certificate training courses & community

    Therapy Harp Training Program A holistic healthcare music training program for ALL musicians - not just harpists!